Thu. Jul 4th, 2024
Twitter formerly know as X

Calling all X users! Get ready to ditch your phone app and connect with your followers in a whole new way. X, formerly known as Twitter, has officially launched audio and video calling features for everyone on the platform.

This exciting update makes X a more versatile platform, putting it in direct competition with popular apps like WhatsApp and offering a glimpse into Elon Musk’s vision of X as an “everything app” similar to China’s WeChat.

Here’s how to use the new audio and video calling features on X:

  1. Open the X app and navigate to the Direct Messages (DM) section.
  2. Locate the phone icon within a specific chat.
  3. Tap the icon to choose either an “Audio Call” or “Video Call”.
  4. The recipient will receive a notification about your incoming call.

Important Things to Remember:

  • Currently, only mutual followers can call each other on X. This means you must have previously interacted with someone via DMs to initiate a call.
  • You have the option to adjust your calling settings to control who can call you within the X app.
  • This feature was previously exclusive to iOS users and those with a valid X premium subscription.

X’s calling features offer several benefits to users:

  • Convenience: Make calls directly within the X app, eliminating the need to switch between different platforms.
  • Enhanced Communication: Connect with your followers on a more personal level through face-to-face interaction.
  • Accessibility: The feature is now free and available to everyone, making X a more inclusive platform.

This update signifies a significant step towards X’s transformation into a multi-functional app, catering to diverse user needs and preferences. So, fire up your X app, start calling your friends, and experience the future of social media communication!

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